Visual Complex Analysis by Tristan Needham
A new, very geometric approach to complex analysis. This book
should be in every library of every university.
Berkeley Problems in Mathematics by Paulo Ney De Souza,
Jorge-Nuno Silva
One thousand problems (and solutions) from the first exam in the Ph
D program at UC Berkeley.
The Automatic Ant : And Other Mathematical Explorations by
David Gale
Based on the articles that appeared in The Mathematical
Intelligencer. Contains very interesting and fun material.
David Gale is a professor at UC Berkeley (Economics and Mathematics
departments). He published important papers in Combinatorial Game
Theory, and invented some games, like Bridge It.
Games of No Chance by Richard J. Nowakowski (Editor)
Combinatorial games are finite, two-person, full-information games
such as chess, checkers, go, domineering, dots-and-boxes, nim, and
many others. This volume arises from a workshop held at MSRI in
July 1994.