prices in Euro |
Author |
Title |
Publisher |
Date |
Cover |
Price |
Edition |
Abbott, E.A |
Flatland |
Dover |
1952 |
soft |
6.00 |
Aczel, A .D. |
Fermat's Last
Theorem |
Delta |
1997 |
soft |
6.00 |
Alexandroff, P. |
Concepts in Topology |
Dover |
1961 |
soft |
6.00 |
Arellano, E.R. & Sundararaman
(Eds) |
Topics in Several
complex Variables |
Pitman |
1985 |
hard |
10.00 |
Avedon & Sutton-Smith |
The Study of
Games |
Wiley &
Sons |
1971 |
Hard |
25.00 |
Boyer, C.B. |
The Rainbow |
Princeton |
1987 |
soft |
15.00 |
1st ed, 1st pr |
Boys, C.V. |
Soap Bubbles |
Dover |
1959 |
soft |
6.00 |
Cantor, G. |
Numbers |
Dover |
1955 |
soft |
6.00 |
Cardano, G. |
Politica |
Batavorum |
1635 |
hard |
600.00 |
Carroll, L. |
Pillow Problems
and a Tangled Tale |
Dover |
1958 |
soft |
6.00 |
Carroll, L. |
Symbolic Logic and
the Game of logic |
Dover |
1958 |
soft |
6.00 |
Cauchy, A |
Oeuvres Complètes
- vol I |
Gauthiers-Villars |
1882 |
hard |
70.00 |
Church, I.P. |
Mechanics of
Engineering |
Wiley &
Sons |
1902 |
hard |
15.00 |
Church, I.P. |
Mechanics of
Engineering |
Wiley &
Sons |
1902 |
hard |
15.00 |
Coleman |
Text-Book of
Physics |
Heath |
1911 |
hard |
15.00 |
Corduneanu, C |
Integral equations
and Applications |
Cambridge |
1991 |
hard |
25.00 |
Dorrie, H. |
100 Great Problems
of Elementary Mathematics |
Dover |
1965 |
soft |
6.00 |
Dorrie, H. |
100 Great Problems
of Elementary Mathematics |
Dover |
1965 |
soft |
6.00 |
Dudeney, H.E. |
536 Puzzles &
Curious Problems |
Dover |
1967 |
soft |
6.00 |
Duff, A.W. |
A Text-Book of
Physics |
P. Blakiston's
& Co. |
1918 |
hard |
15.00 |
Dull, C.E. |
Physics |
Henry Holt &
Co. |
1943 |
hard |
10.00 |
Euclid, Archimedes, Apollonius,
Nicomachus... |
Great books of the
western world 11 |
Britannica |
1952 |
hard |
25.00 |
Fogiel, M. (Director) |
The Linear Algebra
Problem Solver |
1987 |
soft |
15.00 |
Gardner, M. |
Carnival |
Vintage |
1975 |
soft |
10.00 |
Gardner, M. |
Mathematics Magic
and Mystery |
Dover |
1956 |
soft |
6.00 |
Gardner, M. |
Mathematical Puzzles |
Dover |
1961 |
soft |
6.00 |
Gardner, M. |
My Best
Mathematical and Logical Puzzles |
Dover |
1994 |
soft |
6.00 |
Gardner, M. |
Carnival |
Penguin |
1979 |
soft |
10.00 |
Gardner, M. |
Carnival |
Vintage |
1975 |
soft |
10.00 |
Gardner, M. |
Mathematics Magic
and Mystery |
Dover |
1956 |
soft |
6.00 |
Gardner, M. |
Mathematical Puzzles |
Dover |
1961 |
soft |
6.00 |
Gardner, M. |
My Best
Mathematical and Logical Puzzles |
Dover |
1994 |
soft |
6.00 |
Gardner, M. |
Mathematical Magic
Show |
1990 |
soft |
6.00 |
Gardner, M. |
The Scientific
American Book of Mathematical Puzzles & Diversions |
Simon &
Schuster |
1959 |
hard |
10.00 |
1st ed, 6th pr |
Gillispie |
Dictionary of
Scientific Biography, vol I |
Charles Scribner's |
1970 |
Hard |
100.00 |
1st. With DJ |
Gillispie |
Dictionary of
Scientific Biography, vol II |
Charles Scribner's |
1970 |
Hard |
100.00 |
1st. With DJ |
Gliebe, J.J. |
The Mathematical
Atom |
St. Boniface |
1933 |
hard |
150.00 |
Gnedenko, B.V.& Khinchin, A Y. |
An Elementary
Inroduction to the Theory of Probability |
Dover |
1962 |
soft |
6.00 |
Hadamard, J. |
The Psychology of
Invention in the Mathematical Field |
Dover |
1954 |
soft |
6.00 |
Hausmann & Slack |
Physics |
van Nostrand |
1945 |
hard |
10.00 |
Heilbron, J.L. & Seidel, R.W. |
Lawrence and his
Laboratory |
California |
1989 |
hard |
20.00 |
Hippocrates & Galen |
Great books of the
western world 10 |
Britannica |
1952 |
hard |
25.00 |
Hohn, F.E. |
Applied Boolean
Algebra |
Macmillan |
1966 |
hard |
10.00 |
Hool & Johnson |
Engineer's Handbook |
McGraw-Hill |
1918 |
hard |
15.00 |
Huizinga, J. |
Homo Ludens |
Beacon |
1966 |
soft |
15.00 |
Hunter, J.A. |
Mathematical Brain
Teasers |
Dover |
1976 |
soft |
6.00 |
Huntley, H.E. |
The Divine
Proportion |
Dover |
1970 |
soft |
6.00 |
Ikeland, I. |
Convexity Methods
in Hamiltonian Mechanics |
Springer |
1990 |
hard |
20.00 |
Ingallis, Albert G. (ed) |
Amateur Telescope
Making I, II, III |
American |
1978 |
hard |
75.00 |
Kline, M. |
Mathematics in
Western Culture |
Oxford |
1953 |
hard |
10.00 |
Knopp, K. |
Infinite Sequences
and Series |
Dover |
1956 |
soft |
6.00 |
Knopp, K. |
Infinite Sequences
and Series |
Dover |
1956 |
soft |
6.00 |
Knopp, K. |
Elements of the
Theory of Functions |
Dover |
1952 |
soft |
6.00 |
Knopp, K. |
Theory of
Functions - vol I |
Dover |
1945 |
soft |
6.00 |
Knopp, K. |
Problem Book in
the Theory of Functions - vol I |
Dover |
1948 |
soft |
6.00 |
Knopp, K. |
Problem Book in
the Theory of Functions - vol II |
Dover |
1948 |
soft |
6.00 |
Kraitchik, M. |
recreations |
Dover |
1953 |
soft |
6.00 |
Kraitchik, M. |
recreations |
Dover |
1953 |
soft |
6.00 |
Krause, E.F. |
Geometry |
Dover |
1986 |
soft |
6.00 |
Lima, Elon Lages |
Análise Real
I |
1997 |
soft |
10.00 |
McLeish, J. |
Number |
Flamingo |
1992 |
soft |
10.00 |
Mott-Smith, G. |
Puzzles |
Dover |
1954 |
soft |
6.00 |
Mott-Smith, G. |
Puzzles |
Dover |
1954 |
soft |
6.00 |
Newman, J.R. |
What is
Science |
Simon and
Schuster |
1955 |
soft |
10.00 |
Pao, K. & Soon, F. |
Study Guide for
Vector Calculus (Marsden & Tromba) |
Freeman |
1988 |
soft |
5.00 |
Penrose, R. |
Shadows of the
Mind |
Vintage |
1995 |
soft |
15.00 |
Phillips, H. |
My Best Puzzles in
Logic and Reasoning |
Dover |
1961 |
soft |
6.00 |
Phillips, H.B. |
Analysis |
Wiley &
Sons |
1933 |
hard |
10.00 |
Pipes |
mathematics for Engineers and Physicists |
McGraw-Hill |
1946 |
hard |
20.00 |
1st ed, 2nd pr |
Poundstone, W. |
Labyrinths of
Reason |
Doubleday |
1988 |
hard |
15.00 |
Ptolemy, Copernicus, Kepler |
Great books of the
western world 16 |
Britannica |
1952 |
hard |
25.00 |
Reeves, H. |
L'Heure de
s'enivrer |
Seuil |
1986 |
soft |
10.00 |
Rickard, T.A. |
A History of
American Mining |
McGraw-Hill |
1932 |
hard |
25.00 |
1st ed, 2nd pr |
Rozenberg, G. & Salomaa, A. |
The Book of L |
Springer |
1986 |
hard |
25.00 |
Schuh, F. |
The Master Book of
Mathematical Recreations |
Dover |
1968 |
soft |
6.00 |
Schuh, F. |
The Master Book of
Mathematical Recreations |
Dover |
1968 |
soft |
6.00 |
Smullyan, R. |
The Lady or the
Tiger? |
Random House |
1992 |
soft |
6.00 |
Smullyan, R. |
The Lady or the
Tiger? |
Knopf |
1982 |
hard |
10.00 |
Smullyan, R. |
The Riddle of
Schehrazade |
Brace |
1998 |
soft |
6.00 |
Sobel, Dava |
Longitude |
Fourth Estate |
1995 |
hard |
15.00 |
Stein, S. |
Mathematics, the
man made universe |
Dover |
1999 |
soft |
20.00 |
Summers, G.J. |
New Puzzles in
Logical Deduction |
Dover |
1968 |
soft |
6.00 |
Thompson, J. E. |
Geometry for the
Pratical Man |
van Nostrand |
1943 |
hard |
10.00 |
Trevor, J.E. |
The General Theory
of Thermodynamics |
Ginn and
Company |
1927 |
hard |
10.00 |
Vitushkin, A.G. (Ed.) |
Several Complex
Variables (EMS 7) |
Springer |
1990 |
hard |
40.00 |
Wall, C.T.C. |
A Geometric
Introduction to Topology |
Dover |
1993 |
soft |
6.00 |
Last Updated on Januery 3rd
2005 |
By jnsilva |
Email: |