Laura Silva

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Violinhos went to Italy in a tour (2004). Press news or fotos.

I took some friends to the north in June/July 2k4. Press here.

Violinhos played at Gulbenkian on June 26th 2004!


We spent xmas 2003 in Viana.

I went to Venezia in October 2003.

In the Summer of 2003 I went camping to Galiza!

I went to Baródia with Inês, press here.

My brother spent some time in the hospital.

Tap Festival in April, 2k3.


In February 2003 I went to the movies with some friends, watched Division 1 Tournment, ate at the restaurant, ... press here.

I spent xmas in Viana, press here.

Yes, I spent some time in the hospital.

I went with my dad to London

I went to Viana do Castelo with Inês Gonçalves, Mariana Nunes, Mariana Viegas-Bennett and Matilde Silva.

I spent a night in Pavilhao do Conhecimento, with Mariana and Margarida.(May 2002)

I was in the School Play "Joseph".

I was in Coura in April of 2002. Press Here.

Laura with dad 97 Summer 98 Summer 98 Laura and Sophie 98 Laura and Stephanie 98 At home 98 At home 98 At home 98 At home 98 With Manuel and Ines 98 With Snuggles 98 With Ines 98 Laura (Viseu 99) Laura's party 99 Laura's party 99 Laura's party 99 Laura's party 99 Laura and Manuel 99 with dad 99 March 99 Roncao 99 with Ana and Paula 99 with Susy with Susy again sleepy at the restaurant sleeping at the restaurant...