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Lunch at Liz's Dec 8th, 2011.
Dinner at Chira's Dec 7th, 2011.
Maths Jam (Manchester 11-12.11.2011).
Family lunch November 6, 2011.
Weekend at Lourenço's in Carapeto here.
History od Science lunch Oct 8, 2011.
Family lunch Oct 2, 2011.
A course about History of Boardgames in the University of Lisbon. Some pictures here.
Someone went to Brussels in May. We were at Parque das Nações and Ann was here!
O CIRCO MATEMÁTICO actuou na Fábrica - Centro Ciência Viva de Aveiro. Fotos aqui.
Board Game Studies Colloquium XIV in Bruges. We were there.
Nice lunch at ours on May 2th 2011. Pictures here.
To Mafra I went on the 11.1.11 (got there at 11:11). I saw the games room.
On 9.1.11 we went to Parceiros. To see Paulo and a nice exhibition.
October was in Russia, of course. Pictures here.
On September 18th we had the rentrée of CHC-UL at our place. Pictures here.
A Russian present I got from the Volga. here.
We organized a tribute to Martin Garner in Pavilhão do Conhecimento (September 7, 2010). Pictures here.
In September 6th 2010 a few (future) students of DM-FCUL attended a show by Matemágicos Silva. Some pictures here.
In September 4th 2010 a few (future) students of DM-FCUL visited my exhibition Mathematical Games throughout the Ages. Some pictures here.
We weree in Viana for a visit and surgery in August. Pictures here.
A nice wedding we attended in July 25th 2010, in Cambridge. Pictures here.
In July 2010 we went to Vienna, for the ESU-6. Pictures here.
I was in Leiria. There was SPM meeting and a nice Castle with a game.
I went to Rome. Another call from a past Pope.
Nikita and Ksusha visited us in May. It was great.
On April we went to Paris for the BGS Colloquium. Great pictures here.
March is G4G month, so I was in Atlanta for G4G9. Pictures here.
On March 12th, in Santarém, the 6th Campeonato Nacional de Jogos Matemáticos. Pictures of the day before, the heat of competition and some special players.
On February 19th, one more Almedina session. Another success!
On February 13th Galina and I went to Guarda, on the 14th to Viana (visited Sanfins de Friestas) and a nice fair in Coura.
On February 5th we met at Almedina Book Store. We honored the authors of Associação Ludus! Pictures here.
On January 30, in the Museum Diogo de Sousa, Braga, Torneio de Jogos Romanos. Correio do Minho published something about it. Here.
Galina and I went to the north again. We visited Bravães and Barca with my parents.
On January 20th the book História das Matemátcas na Antiguidade was presented by Henrique Leitão e Franco de Oliveia na FNAC Chiado. Pictures here.
New Year dinner 2009. Here.
We had xmas in Viana again. We also went to Coura (and Rubiães).
In December Galina and I went to Oxford (pictures here), for the Numeracy: Historical, philosophical and educational perspectives conference.
Galina, Manuel and I visited Laura (November 19th-22nd 2009). We had a good time (here).
On November 2nd-4th 2009, I went to London to visit Laura. I had fun. Here.
On the 28th of October 2009, another workshop by Associação Ludus in Braço de Prata. Here.
My father turned 85 on October 9th. Galina, Manuel and I went to Viana to have lunch with my parents.
On October 10th 2009 a nice interview was published by Neues Deutschland.
On September 22nd 2009 Manuel and I had lunch with Laura (she is leaving to London where she will spend the next years at UCL). Some pictures here.
On September 20th 2009 we hosted a meeting of the famous THE CENTER. Here.
I gave a talk in the Summer School of SPM, Azores, September 2009.
On September 4, 2009 I participated in the presentation of the Portuguese version of Liping Ma's book, invited by SPM, Gradiva and Câmara de Viana do Castelo.
I was in Profmat 2009, in Viana do Castelo.
A group of new students of FCUL visited my exhibition in Museu de Ciência (September 4, 2009).
Matemágicos Silva went public again, now with Buescu (FCUL, Sept 3, 2009).
Galina and I visited Paulo Almeida in his farm (we planted a tree!), in August 23rd. Here.
Laura, Galina and I went to my mother's 79th birthday, in Coura (August 21st). Here.
Joca, Domingos and Toninho came for lunch with Galina, Manuel and me. Here.
On July 30th 2009 I got married to Galina. Here.
On July 29th it was Ludus night at Braço de Prata. Here.
Galina, Laura, Manuel and I went to Viana to visit my parents. Here.
I went to Penafiel in July 9th to open an exhibition and act as Matemágicos Silva.
I taught History of Board Games at the University of Lisbon (2008/09)! It was a success. Some pictures here.
On June 16th I had a very special visit to my exhibition: the Universidade Sénior de Penafiel! Some pictures here.
On May 29th 2009, in Braga, in the Museum D. Diogo de Sousa, took place a nice tournment of Roman Games. Some pictures here.
On May 2009 I participated in the First Buea International Conference on the Mathematical Sciences in Cameroon. Some pictures here.
The Pope called, so I had to go to Rome (May 2009). Pictures here and here.
In May 2009 I was in Açores (S. Miguel and S. Maria) for the Um Passeio pela Ciência. Some pictures here.
Recreational Mathematics Colloquium I took place in Évora April 29th-May 2nd. Some pictures here and here.
I went to the Board Games Studies Colloquium XII in Jerusalem in April. Some pictures here.
On April 15th the president Cavaco Silva visited my exhibition in the Museum of Science. Here.
On March 20th I had yet another Almedina session. Here.
Covilhã, March 13th, 5th Mathematical Games National Championship. Pictures here and here. For the first time we had blind players. Here. It made the news in Jornal da Tarde (Youtube).
I was in Moscow in February 2009.
We spent xmas at my hometown, here.
I was in London with Laura in December 2k8, here.
Associação Ludus was invited to the Forum Ciência Viva (November 2008), here.
My mother turned 78. Laura, Manuel and I went to Viana to have lunch with my parentes (August 2008) here.
We went to Sintra to check out a Globe (July 2008).
A few pictures of my exhibition Mathematical Games throughout the ages. We had a VIP tour on June 25th 2008.
On the 11th of June of 2008 the students of the Masters program in History and Philosophy of Science visited the exhibition Mathematical games troughout the times. Here.
We organized the Board Game Studies Colloquium XI in the Museum of Science of the University of Lisbon (April 23-26, 2008). Pictures here and here
I was in Atlanta, USA, March 26-30/2008, for G4G8. It was fantastic, of course. Some pictures here.
The 4th National Championship of Mathematical Games (Portugal) happend on February 29th in Braga. It was fantastic.More photos here: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
I was in Dublin in February 2008
Carlos P. Santos and I were in BIRS, Canada, in January 2008, for a Combinatorial Game Theory Workshop. More pictures here. Thane Plambeck's pictures are here. More pictures here.
Yet another xmas.
I was in the 20th Seminário Nacional de História da Matemática, December 2007.
Escola Secundária André de Rezende, in Évora, Portugal is great.
On October 28th Ara and Breu had their first offspring. Aqui.
I went to the Integers Conference 2007 in the University of Western Georgia at Carrollton (October). Some pictures here.
I went to Quinta das Lágrimas to give a course in mathematical games (October 13). Nice.
Laura and I went to USA, Washington DC and Berkeley, in August of 2007. See the pictures here.
We had friends for dinner on May 15th 2007 (IRS dinner!)
I was in St. Pölten for BGS07. Some pictures here.
Some board games some friends and I are building.
I helped organize 3º Campeonato Nacional de Jogos Matemáticos (March 9, 2007). Some pictures here.
I was in I Bienal de Matemática e Português, in Maputo, Moçambique (March 2007). I visited Xiquilene, of course. More pictures here.
I went to Berkeley in November 2006 to give a talk, invited by PSP. Laura went with me. We met our good old friends and had nice Japanese food.
I was in Essen, Germany, for the game festival 2006. It was nice in several ways. More pictures here.
I went to Paris (July 2006) and found an old lady and other treasures.
Associação Ludus was born! A picture (June 27th 2006).
I went to Board Game Studies Colloquium in Ouro Preto, May 2006, more pictures here.
I went to G4G7 (March 2006). I met three wise men there (here and here). More pictures here.
I gave a talk at EME06, in January (Viana do Castelo, Portugal), another picture here. As you can see, Keith Devlin liked it a lot!
On the 8th of October of this year of 2005, CCC went to Coimbra. We found a nice game.
I went to Goettingen (16th to 21st of July, 2005). There was the fantastic exhibition Gott Wuerfelt nicht, organized by R. Wittig (more pictures of the exhibition here and here). I stayed at Karin and Reinhold Wittig's, who were extra nice to me. I fell sick with an infection in a leg and came home.
I had another birthday (2005).
I was in Amsterdam in June of 2005, visiting Jurgen Stigter. It was very nice.
I was in Oxford, at the Board Games Studies colloquium. Some pictures here. (27 April-May 1, 2005). More pictures here.
Elon Lages Lima visited Lisbon (February 2005), so we had dinner at Paulo's.
I had some friends over for dinner. Janeca came, as well as Joca, Nuno, Mariana, Ana Abambres and Zé Abambres. Laura and Manuel were there too. Here.
I went to some museums with my Egyptian Hieroglyphs class.
I had some friends for dinner on September 25th 2004.
I went with the violinhos to Italy. We visited the Giardini di Archimede and the History of Science Museum.
I am getting a MS in History and Philosophy of Science! We all (almost) visited OAL in June 28th 2004
We spent xmas 2003 in Viana.
I had some very nice friends for dinner on March 11, 2003
I had lunch at Bambino D'Ouro
I was in Sarason's 70th birthday, and in Caltech, with Profs Apostol and Mamikon (Jan. 2003) .
We (Abambres, Joca) visited Bóris in Coimbra
I was in London with Laura, and in the USA with Manuel and Martim (Summer 2002). More pictures here.
I had birthay dinners in 1989, 1998, 2003.
I used to play chess, press here
Ages ago Fachada visited me in the north, press here
In 1982, in the encontro
internacional de matemática
I visited Atractor, in Pavilhão do
Conhecimento. I went with a giant/dwarf friend. Find more
I was 16 once.
Berkeley, Xmas 93 Summer 98 Berlin 98 Berlin 98
Christmas 98 Christmas 98 Christmas 98 with Susy 99