The 2nd Portuguese Tournament of Mathematical Games
During March, 10, 2006, almost 650 students (aging 7 to 17) from all Portugal join at Aveiro to play six different abstract games.
The Second Portuguese Tournament of Mathematical Games (2ºCNJM in Portuguese) started months before in more than 200 schools, scattered thru all Portugal, with local tournaments to find what students were the best players (you can check some info from the first CNJM).
The games were:
- Dots'n'Boxes - the CGT game studied by Berlekamp
- Traffic Lights - the 3x4 variant from Alan Parr's original game
- Wari - a Mancala variant
- Amazons - two armies of eight queens trying to stalemate each other.
- Hex - the famous connection game.
- Go - we used a 7x7 variant for faster plays during the tournament (and to facilitate its introduction for a wider public in Portugal)
The games were divided by students' age:
- First cycle (7-10 years) students played Dots'n'boxes, Traffic Lights or Wari
- Second Cycle (10-12 years) students played Traffic Lights, Wari or Hex
- Third Cycle (12-15 years) students played Wari, Amazons or Hex
- Secondary (15-17 years) students played Amazons, Hex or Go
This meant 12 independent tournaments (a tournament per age per game). The finals happened at the "Aveiro Science Factory" situated at an old industry building. More information can be found at (in Portuguese). Here are some pictures just before the event starts (click them to get a larger picture).
Each group had 16 students in a Swiss tournament with 5 rounds
The Hex players had the largest room, 56 boards played simultaneously
Then, at 9:00, students started to appear:
Dots'n'boxes had around 25 students (looking for some pictures).
Traffic Lights
Traffic Lights had around 80 students.
Wari (also known as Ouri in Portuguese) had a total of 210 students.
sowing the boards
Amazonshad a total of 150 students.
Go had around 30 students (it was only for older students). (looking for some pictures).
Hexhad a total of 240 students (the game with the highest growth of participation since last year)
The finalists
In the morning there were the first phase. Then, around 16 players were selected to participate, after lunch, at the finals, Each finalist received a book. Each school received a special playing Kit containing all 6 games. The second places received a digital photo camera. The first prizes were personal computers. In this era of videogames, brainless TV and light reading, it's refreshing to know that some kids returned home with a computer just because they were good abstract game players. Their names are:
Game Cycle Best Players School Dots'n'Boxes
1st cycle
Winner: Maria Marta
2nd: Pedro SilvaAgrup. nº2 de Beja-a
Col. GuadalupeTraffic Lights
1st cycle
2nd cycleWinner: Joana Melo
2nd: Carlos
Winner: Miguel Morais
2nd: Miguel TavaresE.B.1 Fujacal
Didáxis - Riba de Ave
E.B.23 Martim de Freitas
Grémio In. Lib. C.OuriqueWari
1st cycle
2nd cycle
3rd cycleWinner: Beatriz Silva
2nd: David Marques
Winner: Hélder Soares
2nd: Marta Leite
Winner: Daniela Sousa
2nd: Carlos FerreiraCol. Cesário Verde
E.B.1/J.I. Santa Catarina
E.B.2.3 Pinheiro
Ext. Escravas S.C. Jesus
Ext. Coop. da Benedita
E.B.2.3 PinheiroHex
2nd cycle
3rd cycle
SecondaryWinner: António Vicente
2nd: Diogo Brás
Winner:António Vicente
2nd: Diogo Brás
Winner Pedro Jorge
2nd: Carlos LouroE.B.23 Martim de Freitas
E.B.2.3 Eugénio Castro
E.B.23 Martim de Freitas
E.B.2.3 Eugénio Castro
Col. Dr.Luís Pereira Costa
Ext. Coop. da BeneditaAmazon
3rd cycle
SecondaryWinner: Tiago Pereira
2nd: Fernando Neto
Winner: Cristóvão Soares
2nd: João RicoCol. Cor. Maria-Fátima
Col. N. Sra.Apresentação
Col. Dr.Luís Pereira Costa
E.S. CamõesGo
Winner: Sara Ramos
2nd: Pedro DuarteE.S. c/3ºC Oliveira Douro
E.S. Leal da CâmaraThe people behind this event
This would not be possible without the help of hundreds of persons, from all math teachers across Portugal to all of those who helped at the finals. Here are main people that worked in this great event: Alda Santos, Ana Fraga, Carlos Santos, Joana Oliveira, João Almiro, João Pedro Neto, Jorge Nuno Silva, Luís Reis, Maria Teresa Santos, Paulo Trincão, Teresa Caissotti.